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What Is the Lifeline Program?

What Is the Lifeline Program? The Lifeline Program is a federal program that works to lower the cost of phone and internet services for low-income American households. The Lifeline Program can certainly benefit an older person living on a fixed income. With the reduced costs that Lifeline provides its customers, seniors can stay connected on […]

Using a QTIP Trust in Estate Planning

Using a QTIP Trust in Estate Planning Estate planning is crucial when managing valuable assets and ensuring the smooth transfer of wealth to future generations. There are various types of estate planning tools available, some of which may be more useful depending on your circumstances. For some, a qualified terminable interest property (QTIP) trust may […]

Understanding Beneficiary Rights

Understanding Beneficiary Rights: Navigating Trustee Interactions When you’re named a beneficiary of a trust, it’s natural to have questions about your inheritance and the trustee’s actions. Knowing your rights is essential in ensuring transparency and fair management. Here, our trust lawyers shed light on the powers and responsibilities at play. Your Rights as a Beneficiary […]

What Assets are NOT Part of the Probate Process?

Understanding Exclusions: What Assets are NOT Part of the Probate Process? The probate process can seem daunting, especially when navigating the myriad of assets left behind by a loved one. While many assets pass through probate, some bypass this legal process altogether. Understanding this distinction is crucial for beneficiaries and executors. Let’s explore these exclusions […]

Choosing the Right Guardian for Your Child with Special Needs

Choosing the Right Guardian for Your Child with Special Needs Choosing a guardian for any child is a weighty decision, but when that child has special needs, the stakes are even higher. Parents need to ensure not only a safe and loving environment but also one that caters to their child’s unique requirements. An experienced […]

What Are Veterans Death Benefits?

Although death benefits are available to veterans, as well as their families and veterans who did not engage in combat, less than half of those who are eligible for death benefits use them, according to the American Association of Retired People. Available veterans death benefits may include burial in a national cemetery, compensation for expenses, […]

Broaching the Sensitive Topic of Estate Planning

Broaching the Sensitive Topic of Estate Planning Estate planning is a crucial topic, but it’s often cloaked in sensitivity, especially when older loved ones feel that their finances are private matters. Knowing how to navigate this conversation respectfully and effectively is crucial. Why It Matters Having a will and comprehensive estate plan ensures that your […]

What Will Your 2024 Social Security Benefits Look Like?

In 2023, recipients of Social Security benefits saw the biggest increase in decades in their monthly checks. Although their payouts will indeed rise again in 2024, the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) will be more modest – just 3.2 percent, versus the nearly 9 percent boost in 2023. Does COLA Only Affect Retired Workers? Each fall, the […]

Medicare Part B Premiums, Deductibles Going Back Up in 2024

Medicare Part B Premiums, Deductibles Going Back Up in 2024 In 2023, seniors were happy to see their Medicare Part B standard monthly premiums and annual deductibles go down for the first time in more than a decade. Unfortunately, that’s not the case for 2024, when these charges will be back on the rise. In […]

What Is Elder Abuse? Elder Law Q&A

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What Is Elder Abuse? Elder Law Q&A Ten percent of adults 65 and older experience elder abuse each year, according to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). Elder abuse happens when a caregiver or another trusted individual causes physical, mental, or financial harm to an older adult by an act or omission Types of Elder […]

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