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Who Has Your Crypto Keys?

“Who Has Your Crypto Keys?” The Vital Estate Planning Question from a Clinton, MS. Estate Lawyer Are you part of the growing number of people who invest in cryptocurrency? Then there’s a crucial question you need to ask yourself: “Who has access to my crypto keys?” As any savvy estate lawyer will tell you, leaving […]

Should I Leave My Children’s Inheritance to Charity?

“Should I Leave My Children’s Inheritance to Charity?” “Should I leave my children’s inheritance to charity?” It’s a question that many parents grapple with, especially when considering the needs of their children and their personal philanthropic goals. It’s not just about the money—it’s about the message you want to leave behind and the impact you […]

Navigating Assisted Living Concerns

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Navigating Assisted Living Concerns When the time comes to consider navigating assisted living concerns for a loved one in Clinton, MS. families often find themselves with a list of questions and concerns. It’s a big transition, and understanding the financial implications is crucial. Here’s where a Clinton, MS. elder lawyer can offer clarity and guidance […]

Crafting Your Trust: What to Include

Crafting Your Trust with a Clinton, MS. Trust Attorney: What to Include When you’re working with a Clinton, MS. trust attorney, it’s crucial to crafting Your Trust and know What to Include. Let’s explore the variety of instructions or restrictions that can make your trust truly yours, ensuring your legacy is managed just the way […]

How to Navigate Estate Planning Without Heirs

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How to Navigate Estate Planning Without Heirs Many people mistakenly believe that without direct heirs—like children or grandchildren—there’s no need for estate planning. However, the reality is quite different. Even if you don’t have immediate family to inherit your assets, deciding how your estate will be distributed is crucial. If not, you might be surprised […]

Why Do I Need Someone to Witness My Will?

Why Do I Need Someone to Witness My Will?  When it comes to estate planning, ensuring that your will is legally valid is paramount. One of the key components of a valid will is having witnesses present during its signing. But why Why Do I Need Someone to Witness My Will? Our Clinton, MS. estate […]

Why You Should Designate Beneficiaries

Why You Should Designate Beneficiaries According to WealthCounsel, over a third of Americans have experienced or witnessed familial conflict when someone dies without an estate plan. While most people believe having an estate plan is important, only a third have a plan in place, per’s 2023 Wills Survey. While most adults in the United […]

3 Common Probate Questions: Estate Planning Basics

3 Common Probate Questions: Estate Planning Basics When people pass away, they leave behind assets, property, and possessions that can have sentimental and real value for surviving family members and loved ones. Everything that an individual owns upon their death is known as their estate. According to Estate Exec, the average size of an estate […]

Inherited Retirement Accounts: Minimizing Tax Consequences

Inherited Retirement Accounts: Minimizing Tax Consequences The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act, which went into effect in 2020, changed how beneficiaries of inherited retirement accounts must withdraw these funds. The Act’s passage made it more difficult for individuals to pass their retirement savings on to their heirs without tax liability. The […]

Instacart to Help Older Adults Address Food Insecurity

Instacart to Help Older Adults Address Food Insecurity According to a recent study published by Alignment Health, there are three major issues that affect quality of life for older Americans: securing reliable transportation, finding financial stability, and getting access to high-quality, nutritious food To help address the issue of food insecurity, grocery delivery company Instacart […]

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