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What is Elder Law Planning? Take the Quiz to See How Much You Know!

What is Elder Law Planning? Estate Planning Pop Quiz Students have been back in school for several weeks now taking tests, completing homework, and learning new material. Now, it’s your turn! Try your hand at this estate planning pop quiz to see if your knowledge of estate planning makes the grade and if it is […]

Probate Lawyer Answers, “What Happens If Your Partner Passes Away?”

If you have suffered the loss of your life partner, my heart goes out to you: few things in this world are quite as devastating. As a Mississippi probate lawyer, I know grief can debilitate, and the ‘to-do’ list in the immediate aftermath can seem impossible to manage. Please understand: you need to give yourself […]

Can I Create a Will Online? A Few Things to Consider When Beginning to Create a Will

Creating a will is a significant undertaking no matter where it’s created. This is essentially the document that will guide the courts and your family on how you want your final affairs to be handled when you pass away. And remember…there’re no “do overs” or “I meant…” after you are gone. A will does not […]

Is It Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect? 6 Red Flags to Watch for in a Nursing Home

Nursing home abuse happens in every state. Whether it’s from overworked staff, under-funded facilities, or simply the wrong people entrusted to care for the elderly, nursing home abuse can happen even in the seemingly nicest of places. While nursing home abuse is still the exception and not the rule, watch out for these six red […]

Estate Planning Lessons from Disney’s Encanto | Mississippi Estate Planning Attorneys

In the early part of 2022, many young families spent a lot of time watching Disney’s award-winning animated film Encanto. Repeatedly. While the movie is obviously a great source of entertainment for kids, Mississippi estate planning attorneys have also noticed that it contains a lot of valuable lessons that can help people prepare for their […]

What is an Asset Protection Trust and Do I Need It?

No Comments Asset Protection, Blog

If you are like most people, when you hear “asset protection trust,” you think of people like Jeff Bezos or the Walton family. A common misconception is that only wealthy families and people in high-risk professions need asset protection trusts. In reality, everyone is at risk of being sued and possibly losing everything they have […]

4 Large Risks to Your Estate Without an Asset Protection Trust

Too many people falsely believe that a will is the only estate planning document you need. However, having a complete plan, which often includes an asset protection trust, can prevent many problems with your estate after your passing. The Mississippi estate planning attorneys at Morton Law Firm are committed to helping our clients understand why […]

IRA Inheritance Trust May Be Just What You Are Looking For – Or Not!

When it comes to estate planning, you have a LOT of options. There are several legal tools that can be put in place to protect your loved ones after you pass away. One valuable tool we use at the Morton Law Firm is an IRA inheritance trust. If you opened an IRA, you most likely […]

Create a Solid Plan for a Child with Disabilities

Planning for future care needs when you have a child with special needs can be stressful. Whether your child was born with a disability, experienced a traumatic brain injury, or is a veteran with mental health issues, all disabled people deserve to have their future planned out and protected. Our special needs lawyers here at […]

Elder Law Answers: Best Ways to Plan for Alzheimer’s

Receiving a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or another progressive form of dementia is always devastating for everyone involved. It is never easy to wrap your head around the changes that will gradually make life more challenging for you and your family. If you have recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or dementia, it is important to […]

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