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Elder Law Mississippi: How to Properly Choose Beneficiaries

An essential part of estate planning is designating beneficiaries for your life insurance policy, 401(k), and other financial accounts. A beneficiary is a person who receives someone’s assets upon their death. There is no “correct choice” when choosing the beneficiaries who will inherit from you. It’s a personal decision. What must be handled “properly” however […]

Start 2023 Prepared: Reassess What Matters Most in Estate Planning

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If we have learned anything these past few years, it’s that life is fleeting. Amid such uncertain times, many of us have realized what – and who – truly means the most to us. Estate planning allows you to reflect on your family, your priorities, and what actions you can take now to secure your […]

Mississippi Elder Law: Legal Guardianship of an Adult: Rights and Responsibilities

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Once a person becomes a guardian, they should be aware of their responsibilities. Since the ward loses significant rights, guardians must promote their autonomy to the fullest possible extent. Guardians must make decisions, such as moving the ward across states, in the ward’s best interests. Types of Guardianship There are several types of guardianship. An […]

Elder Law Firm: Highlights of How the Omnibus Bill Will Benefit Older Adults

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The Senate and House have cleared the passage of a year-end $1.7 trillion appropriations bill that will benefit older adults on a number of fronts. The bill, which runs more than 4,000 pages and includes a wide variety of legislation, heads to President Biden next for his signoff. Here is a breakdown of some of […]

Jackson, Mississippi Estate Planning Attorney Announces IRS Increase to Estate Tax Exclusion For 2023

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After you’ve rung in the New Year, it’s time to start getting down to business and thinking about tax season. While it’s not the merriest time of the year, tax season is a great time to review your finances and the changes that may impact how you file. Every year, the Internal Revenue Service provides […]

Special Needs Firm: $25M Award to Help Fund Housing for People With Disabilities

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In January 2022, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced it will award nearly $25 million to help fund housing for people with disabilities. Roughly 100 public housing authorities across the country will receive funding. The HUD estimates that this will result in providing affordable housing to more than 2,000 additional qualifying […]

Estate Law Firm: Medicaid Funeral Assistance May Help Pay for Funeral Costs

It is an unpleasant thought, but death is a reality we all must face. One way to cope with the loss of a loved one is to be prepared for their final send-off. Funerals are expensive. For Medicaid recipients and their families, it is unlikely they will have the money to cover them when the […]

Mississippi Medicaid Coverage: Older Adults Lack Information in Search for Long-Term Care

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According to a recent national study, nearly a quarter of Americans aged 50 and older say they – or a loved one – needed long-term care in 2022. The findings further suggest that seniors and their caregivers could benefit from more consumer-friendly information and guidance about long-term care services, a need researchers say will grow […]

Elder Law Firm Answers: What Does Having Power of Attorney With Dual Agents Mean?

A power of attorney is among one of the most important incapacity planning documents you can have. It designates someone you trust with taking care of your affairs if you become unable to do so. In a power of attorney, you give one or more trusted people of your choice the right to manage your […]

Clinton Will and Trust Lawyer Answers, “How Often Do I Need to Update My Estate Plan?”

Creating an estate plan feels like something you check off a to-do list. Once the task is complete, you can move on and forget about it. However, that is not the mentality you should take when drafting your final wishes. An estate plan should reflect your current circumstances and should be periodically reviewed and amended […]

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