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Health Care Proxies & Unwed Couples

The field of elder law encompasses every aspect of aging from a legal and financial perspective, and one of the possibilities that must be addressed if you want to be prepared for any eventuality is that of incapacity. People are routinely living well into their late-eighties and beyond, and when you look at the statistics […]

The HIPAA & Your Advance Health Care Directives

No Comments Incapacity Planning

Estate planning is just one of the branches of the tree we call elder law, and it is an important one but there are other legal issues that are intrinsically intertwined with the process of aging as well. As life spans continue to grow longer and medical technology advances the possibility of a period of […]

Inheritance Planning & Generation Skipping Trusts

If you are concerned that estate tax exemption amounts may go up in future years, and you have an estate that exceeds those likely amounts, one of the primary objectives you will have when planning your estate will be to reduce the taxable value of your legacy for future generations, and the creation of a […]

The Totality of Your Legacy

No Comments Estate Planning

When you are engaged in the process of estate planning there are myriad legal and financial matters to address, and it all involves preparing your assets for transferal to your heirs upon your passing. When you see the term “your assets” most people think about monetary assets, but each human being has acquired something much […]

Pet Placement & Estate Planning

When you are engaged in inheritance planning you basically have to answer two questions: who are the people you would like to provide something for, and what are you going to bequeath to each of them? When it comes to most hard assets it is largely a matter of dividing them up based on monetary […]

Ease Of Transfer With Revocable Living Trusts

When you break it down to its simplest form estate planning should be anything but complex. The basic objective is to take what is yours and pass it on to the people of your choosing at the time of your death–how complicated is that? Unfortunately things like the estate tax, capital gains tax, the gift […]

Address Estate Tax Wisely With Educational Gifts

No Comments Estate Planning

Pleasant problems are good to have, but they still require solutions. When the value of your estate exceeds the estate tax exclusion, which is just $1 million in 2013, you have one of those pleasant problems and we would like to present a partial solution. Just about every successful person has learned the value of […]

Tax Benefits Of Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts

There are many ways to skin a cat as they say, and when you are planning your estate there are a number of different vehicles that can be used to gain estate tax efficiency. In every profession the best tool is going to depend on the specific nature of the job, and this is certainly […]

No Comments News & Updates

I was the featured speaker last night for the Mississippi Case Worker's association meeting at Mississippi Baptist Medical Center. I spoke on the topics of Powers of Attorney, Medicaid Qualification for Nursing Home, and Veterans Aid and Attendance Special Pension Benefits.

Reducing Health Care Expenses

A high percentage of people who feel the need to consult with estate planning attorneys are very successful, and they understand the importance of preparation and intelligent investing. They are well aware of the risk-reward equation, and they only gamble when the odds are on their side. But even when you have done well and […]

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