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Lawmakers Lessen Estate Tax Burden

No Comments Estate Planning

One of the biggest factors to consider when you are planning your estate is the estate tax, and there is some huge news to report about changes to the law that were passed just before the new year. To understand the impact of this new legislation you have to digest the back story. The estate […]

Difficult Decisions & Advance Directives

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For many people, the process of estate planning includes making preparations for the latter stages of life, and there are a number of things to take into consideration. One of these is the possibility of incapacitation, and when you look at the statistics you can plainly see why planning for it is prudent. When you […]

Veterans Benefits Course in Dallas

No Comments Elder Law

Victoria Collier just completed an excellent 3 day seminar on Veterans Administration beneifts available for our veterans.  Sadly, she announced that this will be her last.  I was fortunate enough to have attended her first VA seminar in 2008, at her final one in 2011. 

Will My Estate Owe State Taxes?

No Comments Estate Planning

During the estate planning process it is important to evaluate the net worth of your estate to determine if your estate may owe federal estate taxes after you pass away. In 2010, there is no federal estate tax, but in 2011 it is expected to return at the exemption level of one million dollars. While […]

Could Your Will Be Successfully Contested?

No Comments Wills

If you have a Last Will and Testament, it is important to understand on what grounds an heir or disinherited beneficiary could declare your document to be invalid. When you are aware of the reasons a Will may be contested, it is easier to avoid successful challenges. Who Can Contest Any heir-at-law or any beneficiary […]

How to Bequeath Your Life Insurance Policy

No Comments Wills and Trusts

If you have a life insurance policy, there are three different ways that you can bestow your policy upon your family. You can directly designate a beneficiary as the recipient, assign your Revocable Living Trust as beneficiary, or name your Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT) as heir. Protect Your Funds If you want to protect […]

Choosing Between a Will and a Trust

No Comments Wills and Trusts

Is a Last Will and Testament or a Revocable Living Trust best for you and your estate plan? There are benefits to each document, but there are three differences too. These three differences may help you choose the document that best fit your needs. Probate Probate is the court-supervised process used to settle an estate […]

What Are Advance Health Care Directives?

No Comments Incapacity Planning

We heard a lot of talk about end-of-life medical procedures during the debates surrounding health care reform, and this highlighted the reason why it is advisable to add an element of incapacity planning to your long term plan. People are living longer than ever, and the fact is that when you reach an advanced age […]

Estate Planning For Small Business Owners

When you plan your estate as a small business owner you have to look at things differently than people who are not in business for themselves. In many cases the business may be your most significant asset, so when you are planning your estate you have to decide how to make the most of it. […]

Choosing The Right Executor

No Comments Estate Planning

When you get together with an estate planning attorney to draw up your will you are logically going to be focused on how to optimize your assets and transfer them to your heirs in the most effective and efficient manner possible. This is all well and good, but there is another piece to the puzzle […]

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