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Veterans A & A Benefits Can Provide A Boost

When you are being proactive in an effort to make sure that you are totally prepared for all of the eventualities of aging there is a great deal to consider, and a significant financial demand to take into account. Between the period when you retire and the end of your life, you may go through a stretch of time when you need the assistance of others to get through the typical day. Many people who are in this situation choose to reside in assisted living communities or nursing homes, and though these facilities can provide a workable solution they are expensive, and the costs of long term care are rising all the time.

Most people who are facing these expenses would welcome any help that they can get, and those who have served their country may indeed have earned a benefit that can help them defray these costs. There is an often overlooked resource called the Veterans Aid and Attendance Pension, and it is available to qualified veterans who need help with their personal needs like dressing, eating, and tending to matters of personal hygiene.

These numbers are subject to change, but as of now the maximum A & A benefit for a single veteran is $1,632 per month. Couples who qualify for this pension may receive as much as $1,949 per month, and the surviving spouse of an eligible veteran can be paid a maximum of $1,055 each month.

To meet the eligibility requirements you need to have served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces for a period of not less than 90 days. In addition, at least one of these days must have been served during a time of war. Financially, your total assets must be less than $80,000 to qualify for the Veterans Aid and Attendance Pension, but this would be excluding the value of your home and your motor vehicles.

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