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Times Change – Your Estate Plan Should Too

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We recommend that our clients review their plans at least every 3 years to ensure that their planning is up-to-date with their faimly situation and the law.   A family will go through many changes over the course of years, and that often should also mean changes to their estate plan. Unfortunately many people simply create […]

Parents with special needs children must prepare for their future

No Comments Elder Law, Special Needs

Parents with special needs children must take the necessary precautions in planning for their future care.  To plan for a special needs child’s future care, parents need to make sure they plan their estate accordingly. If parents do not execute an estate plan, a special needs child receiving social security income (SSI) could lose their […]

Reducing Medicare Recovery Reporting Threshold will Raise and Cost Millions

One of the most annoying aspects of settling small personal injury settlements today is the reporting requirement of the Medicare Secondary Payer Act, which is designed to ensure that Medicare gets reimbursed for past payments that it has made on plaintiff's behalf, and that Medicare's future interst in future claims arising from the injury are […]

Copiah County Health Care Worker Charged with Sexual Battery of a Minor Psychiatric Patient

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A 32 year old, psychiatric assistant at Millcreek of Pontotoc’s Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility is charged with sexual battery of a 17 year old patient of Millcreek of Pontotoc's Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility. The 32 year old woman could face up to 30 years in prison for taking advantage of the minor patient. See here.

Mississippi to Lose Stimulus Funds for Medicaid

No Comments Elder Law

The often criticized $830 billion economic stimulus package passed by the Obama administration in 2008 provided, among other things,  bonus reimbursement payments for state Medicaid programs.  The additional funding was conditioned upon the states not reducing their already existing coverage, and under the program, Medicaid particiaption rose dramatically.  It is estimated that the total bonus […]

Elderly Couple Robbed by Woman Posing as a Health Care Agent

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A woman gained access to an elderly couple’s home by posing as a health care agent from the “Delaware County Office of Services for the Aging” and claimed to be there to check on the elderly woman, whom is bedridden. The elderly man claimed that the woman spoke with his wife and then left. However, […]

Why a “Deathbed Will” is NOT the best estate planning tool

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A “deathbed will” is not the best way to plan the distribution of one’s assets.  In addtion to the problem that you may not actually have a death bead, instead dying instantly and unexpectedly, there is also no guarantee that you will have capacity to create a will.   A New York court recently determined […]

Public Seminars are back this Week!

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We will be hosting another set of public seminars this week. At these seminars, we will discuss why most estate plans fail to address the real problems that real people face, and what to do about it.  The seminar offers practical solutions to problems like protecting an inheritance from a foolish child or a divorcing […]

Priceless Sharing With An Ethical Will

No Comments Estate Planning

Estate planning is on the one hand a very practical matter that involves properly positioning your assets as you prepare to pass them along to your loved ones after you die. But as you’re doing this you will inevitably consider the larger implications of your legacy, and this can be extremely thought-provoking. It is relatively […]

A Look At Medicare & Medicaid

No Comments Elder Law

If you are planning for your retirement somewhere within the next 20 years you are certainly not alone. One of the most startling demographic statistics of our era is the way that so many people are reaching retirement age at a similar time, and the numbers speak for themselves. There are currently 10,000 people applying […]

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