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Mississippi Elder Care Firm: “What Is Portability in an Estate Plan?”

Federal estate tax law includes a provision called portability. This provision only applies to married couples. It allows the surviving spouse to use any part of their deceased spouse’s unused estate and gift tax exemption. Including portability in an estate plan protects the surviving spouse from significant estate tax bills if the deceased spouse’s estate […]

Wedding Bells Later in Life? What Newlywed Seniors Need to Know About Their Estate Plans

Some seniors don’t expect to remarry after a divorce or the death of a spouse. However, life is full of surprises. You could meet someone at any age, even during your retirement years. Many older adults bring various assets and debts into a new relationship. They might also have children from a previous marriage, one […]

Trust Lawyer on the Elements of a Valid Trust

When creating a trust with a Clinton, MS, trust lawyer, it is important to understand the specific roles involved. The grantor is the person who establishes a trust. The designated beneficiary is the person who receives the assets held in trust when the grantor dies. Probate is unnecessary because trust property passes outside the last […]

Protecting Spouses of Medicaid Applicants: 2023 Guidelines

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has released the 2023 federal guidelines for how much money the spouses of institutionalized Medicaid recipients may keep, as well as related Medicaid figures. What Are Spousal Impoverishment Rules? Spousal impoverishment is a concern for older couples when there is one spouse who requires long-term care and […]

Batman: The Masked Philanthropist of Estate Planning

Among the superheroes, Batman is unique because he has no superpowers. Although he is trained in the martial arts and possesses a range of high-tech gadgetry that allows him to fight crime, Batman is entirely human. He does not have genetic mutations, X-ray vision, overpowering physical strength, flying ability, genius-level intellect, or any other god-like […]

Elder Care Law Firm: What to Do If Your Medicaid Application Is Denied

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If you apply for long-term care assistance through Medicaid and your application is denied, the situation may seem hopeless. The good news is that you can appeal the decision. Medicaid is a program for low-income individuals, so it has strict income and asset eligibility requirements. Qualifying for Medicaid requires navigating the complicated application process, which […]

5 Smart Estate Planning Strategies for High-Net-Worth Families

If you are a high-net-worth individual, it’s essential to have a comprehensive estate plan in place. However, every family’s circumstances are unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution for estate planning. Below are five estate planning strategies that may be right for you: 1. Make Sure You Have An Estate Plan For higher-net-worth individuals or […]

Plan Ahead Before Seeking Nursing Home Care: Avoid Unnecessary Debt for You and Your Family

Many senior citizens may need the services of a nursing home or at-home care at some point in their life. You might assume that government assistance or health insurance will step in and cover the cost if you cannot afford these services. Unfortunately, neither health insurance nor Medicare covers long-term care. Because obtaining long-term care […]

What Does It Mean to Be Estranged?

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Estrangement refers to a breakdown in a relationship, such as a relationship with a spouse or family member, where there is no longer any communication, or communication has become hostile, and the individuals lead separate lives. Although estrangement can significantly impact individuals’ lives, it is not a legal term and, in many cases, might not […]

Elder Care Law Firm: How Ranchers and Farmers Can Protect Their Life’s Work

Creating a comprehensive estate plan can protect your interests and your family’s future. When you work hard to earn a living and obtain assets, it’s natural to want to pass them down to your children or dependents when you pass away. Unfortunately, many people don’t understand how to keep their business and property intact when […]

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