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Will Your Estate Pass Through Probate?

2 Comments have Estate Planning, Probate

If you or another family member has ever endured probate, you know that this court-supervised process can take a great deal of time and money. For a couple of extreme examples, I am currently involved in two probates that have both been open for over 5 years, and are only just now getting closed. While […]

How to Leave a Legacy

No Comments Legacy Planning

In the estate planning process you will probably cover the basics of estate planning: naming an executor, stating your final wishes and identifying beneficiaries to receive your estate. For some people, though, a basic estate plan is not enough. What if you want to leave more? Through legacy planning you can leave a financial heritage […]

Does Your Blended Family Need an Advanced Estate Plan?

With a high divorce rate, blended families are a norm in American society. Such families include a variety of dynamics: step-children, half-siblings, unmarried couples with children and more. A basic estate plan may be enough to cover your blended family, but there are many advantages of advanced estate planning that may suit your family situation […]

Making Arrangements for Special Needs

If you have a loved one with special needs, he or she is probably not far from your thoughts. Worrying about how such a family member will be cared for after you have passed away can be difficult. During the estate planning process, you can create a special needs plan for your loved one that […]

Using Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts

No Comments Wills and Trusts

If you decide to create an estate plan that goes beyond a basic Last Will and Testament, you may encounter Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts. Both types of Trusts are an essential part of Advanced Estate Planning. They each offer different benefits to help you tailor your plan to your needs. Revocable A Revocable Living Trust […]

Protecting Inheritances in a Blended Family

No Comments Blended Families

I had a friend who’s parents were divorced. His father remarried and later died, leaving everything to his spouse. His mother also remarried, and when she died, she also left everything to her spouse. The step-parents’ estate plans left everything to their own children. My friend was completely disinherited. If you have children from a […]

Calculating Your Retirement Nest Egg

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Saving for retirement can help to ensure you have enough for your basic living expenses as well as any extras you desire. Knowing how much to stockpile may seem confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. Current Expenditures You can estimate your current yearly costs by calculating your monthly expenses and multiplying by twelve. For […]

Who Needs a Disability Plan?

A disability or incapacity plan allows you to make arrangements for your medical care and financial assets if you should become disabled to the point of not being able to act for yourself. In case you become mentally or physically disabled and need someone to speak for you, you can use your plan to name […]

How to Protect Your Assets

If you have finished your basic estate planning and are looking toward advanced planning for purposes of asset protection, you should understand how and why to guard your estate. An asset protection plan keeps your property and the property of your loved one’s safe from being taken to settle a lawsuit or for a divorce. […]

What You Need to Know About a Financial POA

No Comments Disability Planning

A POA, or power of attorney, is a common estate planning device that allows you to name an attorney-in-fact to handle your financial assets if needed. Attorney-in-fact When you create a Power of Attorney, you will have to decide what family member or friend is best suited for the position of Attorney-in-fact. If you are […]

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