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Mississippi Still Waiting on Federal Approval to Cut Medicaid Provider Payments

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Because Medicaid is a Federal-State program, for which Mississippi receives about 80% of its funding from the federal government, it must get approval for any changes to the program from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS). Severe cuts drastic as 20% were announced a couple of weeks ago, for the final 3 months […]

Mississippi Ranks Last in Total Number of Millionaires

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It should come as no surprise that Mississippi, the poorest state in the union, also has the fewest millionaires in the country.  See recent report on the top and bottom ten states here.  Excerpt from report is below: The Fewest Millionaires: Mississippi If you’re ever in Mississippi, hide your fat wallet or you might make […]

Mississippi Medicaid Benefits Among Lowest in Nation

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A new report by the Direct Care Alliance ranks Mississippi below average on benefits available to Medicaid recipients. 

Medicaid Cuts Comming

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Significant cuts to Mississippi Medicaid providers are expected to be announced soon.  Some of the cuts are likely to be as deep as 20%, if approved by the Center for Medicaid/Medicare Services.  Story here.  On the brighter side, Mississippi is expected to receive $1.4 million in matching federal funds for compliance with the electronic health […]

Other End Of Life Details

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When planning for end of life issues, such as a Living Will or Advanced Healthcare Directive, this story from ABC reminds of another detail that should not be forgotten – pacemakers that may automatically serve as a defibrillator and revive a stopped heart.  Those with such devices should consult with their physicians about the proper […]

Searching for the Right Place for a Parent

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A recent NY Times article offers some very good advice about selecting a good nursing home or assisted living facility.  Our complementary Guide to Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities is also a very good resource for finding and evaluating facilities. 

The Cost of Failing to Plan

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I received a sad, and I am afraid, all to common call yesterday from a gentleman who's father was in a nursing home and had spent all of his available funds, and was now being evicted from the nursing home.  Upon further inquiry, I learned that this father previously had a nest egg of $200,000 […]

The Cost of Failing to Plan

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I received a sad, and I am afraid, all to common call yesterday from a gentleman who's father was in a nursing home and had spent all of his available funds, and was now being evicted from the nursing home.  Upon further inquiry, I learned that this father previously had a nest egg of $200,000 […]

Medicaid Qualfying Divorce?

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An article in the most recent AARP magazine gives the impression that the only option that many seniors have for qualifying for Medicaid and protecting some assets is to get a divorce.  While divorce is certainly one planning option, it is only one of many, and almost always the last resort.  After a couple has […]

Marijuana Garden Club Anyone?

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Controversy has erupted in a California retirement community over a marijuana gardening club.  I never thought I would see the day. 

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