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Don’t Wait Until You’re Sick to Create an Estate Plan

In the wake of the pandemic, rising inflation, mass shooting tragedies, and other events, more people recognize that they need to plan for the future. Yet while financial planning has been at the top of many Americans’ minds, a vast majority of people have stalled in creating an estate plan. According to a new study […]

When Should I Include a Pour Over Will in My Estate Plan?

In creating an estate plan, you are proactively taking steps to ensure that your assets will be distributed according to your wishes in the wake of your death. One tool available to you in estate planning is known as a trust. There are numerous kinds of trusts. If you wish to maintain control, during your […]

Why Hire an Elder Law Attorney?

Elder law attorneys may specialize in estate planning, incapacity planning, and end-of-life care for seniors. These practitioners are essential because they work to protect a vulnerable population. To plan for their future and their care, seniors and their families should consider hiring an elder law attorney. How Can an Elder Law Attorney Help My Aging […]

How Intermediate Care Facilities Can Serve Older Adults

Many older adults can no longer safely live on their own. However, they may not need the highly specialized care of nursing homes. Intermediate care facilities present one option for older adults who cannot live independently but require daily assistance. As a residential option for seniors, intermediate care facilities (ICFs) can house residents on a […]

Disability Civil Rights Activist Judy Heumann

No Comments Blog, News & Updates

On March 4, 2023, the disability community lost a longtime leader and hero, Judy Heumann, who died of a heart attack at the age of 75. Heumann, a disability civil rights activist, author, speaker, and administrator in two presidential administrations, served during her lifetime as a driving force behind such landmark disability rights legislation as […]

What to Know About Being a Health Care Proxy

No Comments Blog, Incapacity Planning

When you assume the role of the health care proxy of a loved one, you make crucial medical decisions on their behalf. If your loved one becomes incapacitated and cannot communicate with health care providers, you are responsible for ensuring health care providers respect their preferences for care. If you are a health care proxy, […]

Estate Planning for Your Digital Legacy

No Comments Blog, Estate Planning

One aspect of your estate plan that you may not yet have taken into consideration is your digital legacy. Arranging what happens to your digital assets and information when you pass away has become an increasingly essential component of financial literacy — and comprehensive estate planning. According to Pew Research, the number of adults in […]

Why You Should Take the Time to Create a Legal Plan Now

If you have a child with special needs, you may be tempted to assume that if something happens to you or your partner, your other children will take care of their sibling. However, it’s important to take the time now to create a legal plan for your child so that they are always protected no […]

“Can an Email Serve as My Last Will and Testament?”

No Comments Blog, Wills

When it comes to estate planning, many people wonder if they can simply write their wishes down in an email and have it be considered a legal Last Will and Testament. While it’s true that technology has made it easier than ever to communicate our wishes and desires, an email is not typically sufficient to […]

Keeping Medicare Solvent Could Mean Higher Taxes for Wealthy

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With the 2024 presidential election in the not-too-distant future, coverage of heated debates over the nation’s government budget, including how to secure the future of public benefits programs like Social Security and Medicare, has dominated the daily headlines. In one recent development, President Joe Biden, who has pledged to bolster such federal programs, has announced […]

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