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Topping Off Social Security Benefits

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When you have been planning for your retirement years throughout your working life and the finish line starts to come into focus you may have some questions about the details of your Social Security benefits. Most Americans count on Social Security as a sure source of retirement income and plan accordingly throughout their lives. But […]

Senior Challenge: Paying For Long Term Care

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When you examine the issues that our nation’s senior citizens are facing at the present time, the cost of long-term care is something that really stands out. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services approximately 7 out of every 10 people who reach the age of 65 will someday need long-term […]

Probate & Your Attorney

No Comments Estate Planning

If you choose to use a will as your primary instrument of asset transfer after your death your estate has to pass through the process of probate. The laws surrounding probate vary somewhat state to state, and this is why it is important to beware of those one-size-fits-all, do-it-yourself will creation templates that you see […]

A Pour-Over Will Can Fill The Cracks

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When you are planning your estate you have to determine how you will be transferring your assets to your loved ones, and many people choose to do so through the creation of a trust. There are a number of reasons why a trust is preferable to a last will for many people, and one of […]


No Comments Elder Law

A health care provider, Cignet, was fined over $4 million for a violation of HIPAA.  Article here.  While the primary experience that most people have with HIPAA is to keep their health care info private from third parties, ironically this fine actually arose from Cignet's failure to disclose requested healthcare documents to the requesting patient.  […]

Long-Term Planning: Keeping Your Eye On The Prize

There is a witticism that goes something like “experience is something that you get just after you need it” and this is certainly the case in many instances. There are times when you find yourself in this type of situation when you still have time to overcome whatever challenges that lack of experience may have […]

Basic Asset Protection, Medicaid Spend Down Strategy

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When you’re planning your finances throughout your life the idea is to accumulate assets, so it can seem kind of strange when you find yourself in a situation when you have to reduce your assets. However, this is often the case when you are engaged in estate and incapacity planning. One of the reasons why […]

Estate Planning Protects Your Family

No Comments Estate Planning

When you are making financial plans throughout your life you have every expectation of benefiting from the result of these plans. And if you are to make any mistakes along the way, you would be the one to suffer in the near-term and you’d be around to correct these mistakes and right the ship going […]

Long Term Care Costs: How High Will They Go?

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When you start to get serious about planning for the latter stages of your life it is important to educate yourself with regard to the expenses that you may be faced with. It is natural for your first thought to be that your elder years will simply be more of the same from a financial […]

Thoughtful Inheritance Planning

No Comments Estate Planning

Leaving behind a legacy to your loved ones is a very important matter, and there can be a lot more to think about than simply handing out shares of the whole. When you get serious about planning your estate it is more than just a matter of dollars and cents because you invariably recognize the […]

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