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Estate Planning Checklist for February

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If you’ve already met with an estate planning attorney to put together your wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and other long-term plans, then congratulations!  You’ve taken a really important step toward being prepared for the future and making things easier on your family and friends should you pass away or become unable to make decisions […]

What to Expect from Estate Planning in Jackson, Mississippi Part III

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This is the third in a series of articles on what to expect when you work with your Jackson metro area estate planning lawyer.  Each article will cover several of the topics you will need to consider to make a plan that works for your needs.   In the previous two editions of this series, […]

Writing Your Own Obituary | Will Lawyers in Mississippi

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Working with a will lawyer in Mississippi can bring up some uncomfortable feelings.  Those of us in this area of law are very aware of the fact that many people avoid important planning for this very reason.  After all, there aren’t a whole lot of people who want to contemplate their own demise, let alone […]

Special Needs Trust Fairness Act

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The Special Needs Trust Fairness Act is designed to address the fact that currently, a capable person with a disability is unable to establish their own Special Needs Trust.  Under current law, only parents, grandparents, a legal guardian, or the court can setup a Special Needs Trust for a disabled person.  This law, in its […]

How to Avoid the Need for a Probate Lawyer in Mississippi

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If you are dealing with an estate that has to go through the probate process in Mississippi, your smartest move is likely going to be to work with a Clinton probate lawyer.  There are cases where very simple estates will move through fairly easily, but there is still a matter of paperwork, accounting, etc. to […]

The Most Important New Year’s Resolution

It’s  that time again, a new year and new resolutions.  It is important to plan for the future, to make sure that your affairs are in order.  Here are some issues to think about when discussing your estate plan: Do you have an estate plan in place in the event that something happens to you […]

2014 VA Pension Aid & Attendance Payments Announced

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The 2014 Pension Rates for Veterans were announced, bringing a 1.5% increase in pension benefits for Aid and Attendance recipients. The new payments are effective December 1, 2013, for benefits payable January of 2014.  The new Aid and Attendance pension payments are as follows: Single Veteran: $1,759.00 Married Veteran: $2,085.00 Surviving Spouse of a Veteran: $1,130.00 […]

Why Probate?

3 Comments have Probate, Trust and Estates

Probate is the process of transferring title from a deceased person to their heirs.  The primary purpose of Probate is to give the deceased person’s creditors the opportunity to be paid and to ensure that legal title to the assets is clearly established.  If the deceased did not set up a trust, then there is […]

Information to Give the Trustee of Your Estate | Mississippi Trust Lawyer

One of the jobs of a Mississippi trust lawyer is to help clients choose the person who will be responsible for a trust that has been set up.  The trustee has several very important jobs, and things will go smoother if he or she is aware of these responsibilities up front.  Here is some good […]

The Downside to Annuities from a Mississippi Trust Lawyer’s Perspective

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When it comes to annuities, trust lawyers in Mississippi do at times recommend these financial products for their clients…and they may be a great choice for you.  This particular article is just to offer some additional food for thought on making decisions regarding whether or not annuities are wise additions to your overall estate plan.  (To […]

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