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Estate Planning Tips for Artists

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  A working artist has the potential to create hundreds of unique pieces over the course of a lifetime. Determining what you want your legacy to be and what you want to happen to your art can be a difficult question, but it is one that is better addressed sooner rather than later.  One of […]

Tips for Planning With Bitcoin Assets

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As of this writing, the IRS views bitcoins as property. The digital currency has gained enough traction that the IRS has started to pay attention. Now, owners of bitcoin are responsible for recognizing loss or gain and filling out taxes and W-2s where necessary as a result.  To include bitcoins in your planning, follow these […]

The Downside of Reverse Mortgages

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These mortgages are marketed quite heavily to the target market- individuals over the age of 62. These provide the ability to borrow against home equity, but not understanding how these work could leave heirs at risk of losing a family home.  On a national level, debt has risen quite quickly for those aged 65-74. It […]

A Real Look at Predators and Lawsuits

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Most people are aware of how devastating one lawsuit can be, even if they have never been victims of one. Despite this, many people are under the assumption that it could never happen to them, leaving them exposed to major risks in the form of litigation.  There are 20 million lawsuits filed in the U.S. […]

Proactive versus reactive approaches in elder law planning

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Although it is certainly possible to achieve a fair amount with reactive planning in an elder law crisis, it is much easier to plan in advance. An elder crisis with no prior planning might leave invested parties with only a will or a will and power of attorney to review. Even if these documents are […]

Tips for Planning for Blended Families

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As a result of relatively high divorce rates and better longevity these days, blended families now outnumber traditional families. Divorce and remarriage has the tendency to increase the number of individuals involved in an estate, which can lend itself to complexity if not properly planned for.  With more individuals at the table for an estate, […]

Is There a Way to Protect Against a Dishonest Executor?

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An executor plays a very important role in carrying out an estate, and it can be nerve-wracking as well as frustrating if you suspect that an executor is not being completely prudent or truthful. Executors have a fiduciary duty to carry out their tasks with integrity and trust. If there is suspicion that something has […]

Using Life Insurance and Annuities for Asset Protection

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There are many asset protection tools out there- you can just ask your attorney to highlight some of the most popular ones for you. Asset protection tools often work together, complementing one another to give you peace of mind and confidence about the future. Two tools that work well in an overall plan include life […]

How to Write a Business Succession Plan

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If you have gone through the legwork to think through a business succession plan, you are already ahead of most business owners. Knowing the basics of what you want to include in the plan is a good first step, but you need to document your plans in writing in order for them to be clear […]

Will Medicaid and Medicare Speak to the Future of the ACA?

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The question of whether existing government programs will influence the future of public policy for others is a hot topic right now as politicians on both sides of the aisles are considering what Medicaid and Medicare will look like down the road. Taking Medicaid and Medicare out of the picture seems unrealistic, but this basic […]

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