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Posts Category - Blog

Protecting Your Home (and Your Heart) in Later-Life Marriages

Protecting Your Home (and Your Heart) in Later-Life Marriages Finding love later in life is a beautiful thing. But sometimes, the realities of life and past decisions can throw a wrench into the fairy tale. A common scenario I encounter as a Jackson, MS. estate lawyer involves couples where one spouse moves into a home […]

Protecting Your Children When You’re Their Only Parent

Protecting Your Children When You’re Their Only Parent As a single parent, your plate is already full. You’re juggling work, childcare, school activities, and maybe even a bit of “me time” (if you’re lucky!). It’s understandable that estate planning might not be at the top of your to-do list. But let’s face it: one of […]

Should Your Healthcare Agent and POA Be the Same?

Should Your Healthcare Agent and Power of Attorney Be the Same Person? In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to put off estate planning. But as a Jackson, MS. estate lawyer, I can’t stress enough how crucial it is to have your affairs in order, especially when it comes to healthcare […]

What is a Postnuptial Agreement?

What is a Postnuptial Agreement? A postnuptial agreement is a legal contract between spouses outlining the division of assets, debts, and other financial matters in the event of separation or death. This agreement can clarify property ownership (including inheritances), protect business interests, address spousal support, and specify who is responsible for debts, both old and […]

Hidden Wealth: Planning for Mineral Rights

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Hidden Wealth: Planning for Mineral Rights in Your Jackson, MS. Estate Plan Many Americans unknowingly own mineral rights, or have the potential to inherit them. Mineral rights can be a valuable asset but their unique nature requires careful planning. These rights encompass resources like oil, gas, precious metals, and more. Even if you don’t live […]

Planning for Embryos

Planning for Embryos: How to Ensure Your Wishes are Legally Honored in Your Jackson, MS. Estate Plan Starting the IVF process opens a world of excitement and hope for many couples. But amidst the anticipation, a sometimes uncomfortable reality emerges: what happens to the remaining embryos or genetic material if one or both parents die? […]

Family Tensions and Healthcare Decisions

Family Tensions and Healthcare Decisions: How a Jackson, MS. Will and Trust Lawyer Can Help Sadly, family feuds are more common than we’d like to admit. These family tensions and healthcare decisions can become incredibly stressful and even more so when one family member experiences a health crisis. If you’re remarried and your adult children […]

Stepping In: What to Do as Trustee When Your Loved One is Hospitalized

Stepping In: What to Do as Trustee When Your Loved One is Hospitalized Being named a trustee is an important responsibility, but sometimes life throws unexpected situations your way. When a loved one is hospitalized and you have to step into the trustee role, you might feel overwhelmed and uncertain about what lies ahead. Here’s […]

Passing Down Your Stocks: Strategies for a Smooth Inheritance

Passing Down Your Stocks: Strategies for a Smooth Inheritance Incorporating stocks and other investments into your estate plan requires careful consideration to ensure your hard-earned assets are transferred smoothly to your loved ones. There are several ways for Passing Down Your Stocks: Strategies for a Smooth Inheritance, each with its own advantages and potential tax […]

Estate Planning with Bickering Kids? Minimize Conflict and Keep the Peace

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Estate Planning with Bickering Kids? Minimize Conflict and Keep the Peace As a parent, you want nothing more than for your children to get along. But the reality is, sibling relationships can be complex and sometimes fraught with disagreements. When planning your estate, facing the prospect of your children arguing about your legacy is incredibly […]

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