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Younger Generation Takes on Estate Planning, Study Shows

A recent study identified that younger people have recognized the value of estate planning largely due to the impacts of the pandemic. If you or someone you know has not yet undertaken estate planning, now is a great time to consult with an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer about the next steps.

This recent study was completed by and found that middle and older aged adults are less likely to have a will than they did just one year ago, but those between the ages of 18 and 34 are 63% more likely to have a will in place now. Many people are thinking beyond the will and considering tools like a health care proxy or a power of attorney that would enable other people to make important decisions on your behalf if something happens to you.

The support of an experienced and dedicated estate planning lawyer is instrumental for identifying these extremely important components and it is strongly recommended that you consult with a lawyer sooner rather than later. Your estate plan is not a one and done document. In fact, it should be revisited multiple times over the course of your lifetime to make adjustments as needed. By forming a relationship with a dedicated lawyer now, you can figure out the next steps to take and the most important strategies and documents you need to put in place now.

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