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Working Hand in Hand with Other Advisors

We’re pleased to announce that we have scheduled a boot camp for professional advisors on August 14 and 15. Officially known as the “Trusts, Estates, and Elder Law Bootcamp for Advisors,” this event is where we offer continuing education for CFPs (certified financial planners), CPAs (certified public accountants), and insurance advisors.

We give them great information about the legal aspects of estate planning, estate administration, and elder law. That makes them more effective at what they do when they’re helping their clients.

Of course, you might be wondering why a law firm like ours is offering a boot camp for other advisors. The reason is, we work with them!

Morton Law - We work together with other professionals.

Working with Other Professionals

What you might not realize about Morton Elder Law is just how much we collaborate and work with other professionals to meet our clients’ needs. When clients come to us with goals they want to accomplish, it’s rarely a legal issue alone (law doesn’t exist in a vacuum).

Rather, most goals involve a range of other professional disciplines as well.

That’s why we make it a point to work with other law advisors to come up with a total and cohesive plan that will achieve our clients’ goals.

To make the most effective plan, we need to look at the situation from a tax standpoint, a financial standpoint, and an insurance standpoint, as well as a legal standpoint. After considering all these factors, we can craft a seamless, cohesive plan.

Getting Better Results for You

In a nutshell, when clients come to us and expresses a particular goal—such as setting up a trust to avoid probate—we will work to understand exactly what they’re looking for. Then, we’ll discuss it with other professionals and get them to weigh in on our plan. In this instance, the CPA might have something to say about an upcoming change in the estate tax rate that affects how we proceed.

We’re flexible about working with other law advisors to get you results. If you already have advisors in these different fields, we’ll reach out to the ones you have, and if you don’t, we have relationships with dozens of advisors and will recommend the ones we feel would suit you best. Either way, the final plan we craft and execute will incorporate the professional feedback of a host of different advisors, so you know exactly how it will affect each of those areas going forward.

We’re excited to offer this boot camp as a way to continue educating professional advisors, because that means better results for our clients.

If you want to know more, you’re always welcome to give us a call!

~Ronald Morton

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