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Woman Charged with Medicaid Fraud

JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI (BNO NEWS) — A Fayette, Mississippi woman was
arrested and charged on one count of felonious Medicaid Fraud,
prosecutors announced on Thursday.

Kristina Stampley, 28, turned herself into investigators with the
Medicaid Fraud Unit of the Attorney General’s Office. The indictment
alleges that, while working as a case manager at Southwest Mississippi
Mental Health, Stampley submitted approximately 229 claims for services
that were billed to Medicaid, but for which services couldn’t be

Southwest Mississippi Mental Health has cooperated with the
investigation and has already repaid Medicaid more than $15,000 for the
fraudulent claims.

If convicted, Stampley faces a maximum sentence of five years and $50,000 fine.

This case is the result of an investigation by the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit of the Attorney General’s Office.

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