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What Role Does Ageism Play For Elders?

First defined in 1968, ageism refers to the systematic stereotyping of and discrimination against individuals as a result of their age. Social scientists argue that we first look at new people through the prisms of gender, race and age. While gender and race are politically sensitive, perception of age will often serve to present as stereotypes like being frail, stubborn, unable to learn or unable to remember.

Many people approaching older ages feel as though these stereotypes are persistent throughout their daily life even when they are not accurate. According to a recent survey done by AARP, 58% of interviewed individuals argue that they had been subjected to humor and jokes based on their age.shutterstock_141755074

Age discrimination can be found indirectly in healthcare where research money and even ICU treatments skews towards the younger, and where facilities for the treatment of the elderly often fail to meet minimum standards.

On a more positive note, AARP research did determine that a positive attitude and perspective from an individual about growing older can add an average of seven and a half years to that person’s life span. When it comes to choosing a facility for elder care, make sure you research it properly in order to determine whether ageism is a potential issue. Consult with an elder law attorney to learn more about potential issues.

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