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Planned Giving and Estate Planning Often Should Work Together

When many people approach the subject of estate planning, it’s quite possible that they will have multiple goals. First of all, they may want to articulate plans for their own belongings when they pass away. Others might want to ensure that their specific wishes related to end-of-life care are clearly outlined in legal documents to address potential concerns with family members who may argue over intentions. Still others may want to incorporate planning giving, or making charitable gifts to others, into their overall planning structure. All of these are worthwhile goals and it’s also possible for them to work hand in hand. Your lawyer should help you create a comprehensive plan. MS charitable giving estate lawyer

The concept of planned giving usually should come up in any conversation with an experienced estate planning attorney. This is particularly true when the estate owner was very charitable or philanthropic in their life. Estate planning and planned giving are becoming increasingly intertwined as individuals think about the legacy they wish to leave behind. The relationship between estate planning and planned gifts is a deeply connected one.

Working together they can provide a stable method for passing on to those with significant needs after the creator passes away. Individuals who are putting together their estate may wish to leave a portion of their state to something they care about. This may be in conjunction with any planned gifts that are made over the creator’s lifetime. A posthumous gift to a charity can help to generate a legacy of philanthropy and also hep to support an individual’s personalized wishes. Consulting with an experienced estate planning attorney about all of the options available and strategies that can be used in order to combine estate planning with planned giving is strongly recommended.


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