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Checking Out of a Relationship or Home? Time for a Checkup!

In normal times and especially in a pandemic, many people use natural pause points to take stock of their lives and determine their next moves. For you, this might look like moving out of a home that was big enough to raise your kids in but too big to justify alone or with a spouse. It could include leaving a first or second marriage or trying to relocate to a new state where the conditions are more favorable to you financially. 

No matter what moves you’re making in your life or you have on your horizon in the near future, it’s time for a checkup on your financial and estate plans. Your current plans might work for the conditions you’re in now, but making big changes means you need a step back to determine how your new life fits into the fold.

From thinking about your long term care plan to physically updating your will or beneficiary forms, there are a few tasks on this to-do list to consider when you’re “checking out” of your current conditions. It’s easy to miss some of these details, but they are important aspects of your life and plan. It’s best to partner with a dedicated estate planning lawyer to work through all the details and get the confidence that comes from having a comprehensive estate plan in place.

Are you concerned about how you move forward with your life in a way that protects your personal interests and your loved ones? You’re not alone. Estate planning lawyers in MS can assist you with reviewing your current plan and making the necessary updates so that you have a future that’s bright for yourself and enables your loved ones to have an easier time moving your estate through the administration phase when it comes time to do that.

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