Asset Protection: Few Business Owners Have It, Although Many Should
A recent survey of 513 business owners indicated that more than 400 of them were concerned about the possible implications of a lawsuit or divorce. Despite these broad concerns (which are certainly fair, given the litigious environment we live in and high divorce rates common across the country), only fifteen percent of those surveyed had some kind of plan in place. Of that group, 3 out of 5 had no idea where to get started.
In the world we live in, asset protection is not just a recommendation- it’s a necessity and worthwhile for managing overall risks. Sufficient liability and property insurance is a key starting point for these goals. Consult with an asset protection specialist to learn about other avenues for making assets difficult for individuals to reach in a lawsuit. The specifics of your plan will depend on your situation and your goals, but there are options that can help you reduce some of the fears and concerns related to asset protection.
To learn more about asset protection, contact us today for a consultation.